A massage is something that everyone enjoys simply for the sense of relaxation that it can bring, and even the loosening of tight muscles. But massages can do a lot more for you than just leave you feeling a bit less stressed. There are some actual health benefits to a massage, especially if it is one that is professionally applied! Here are some of the ways that you can benefit!
Sleep Better At Night
Of course, for some, a massage is so relaxing that they can nod off right when it’s happening! But for many, that sense of relaxation carries over into bedtime, when the priority is to get a restful eight hours of sleep, to fully recharge you biological batteries and face the new day. Lower muscle tension, blood pressure and stress all lead to a better, more restful night’s sleep, which always has health benefits.
Boost The Immunity System
A massage doesn’t just loosen up muscles; it can even improve your blood pressure, circulation, and your lymphatic system. All of these contribute to your overall immunity by ensuring that antibodies are “patrolling” through every part of your body and providing protection where needed in a timely, efficient manner.
Ease Chronic Pain
People get sore muscles for a variety of different reasons, such as stress, tension or just hard exercise. In addition to easing the discomfort of sore muscles by simply loosening them if tight, massages also release endorphins, the natural pleasure/comfort substance our body manufactures on its own. This means that for people with regularly recurring pain conditions, massages can bring a lot of natural, non-invasive, non-chemical pain relief. This can also help with mobility issues and the aches and pains that come from having to maintain the same posture for many hours, such as sitting in an office chair.
Improved Nervous System
Your nervous system is responsible both for allowing you to sense pressure, pain and temperature changes, as well as issue orders to your muscles to move when you want them to. However, sometimes tension or excessive muscle strain can pinch nerves, causing pain, or simply reducing the efficiency of nervous system performance. A massage that relaxes muscles can ease tension and work out pinched nerves.
Better Skin Condition
A massage can help to detoxify the body, as well as increase the performance of nutrient distribution to the skin. The general benefits of improving circulation and assisting blood pressure also help with moisturizing skin, helping the texture, and even help to prevent dryness and the itching that is often associated with it.
Book Your Massage
It’s important to remember that the best benefits of a massage come from having an expert to administer the massage at the right points, with the right amount of force. Don’t settle for just reading a book and having a friend or partner try to help you out, there are certified professionals that can do this for you. Altos Mobile Massage is one such experienced company. If you want a massage that will invigorate, relax and improve your health, contact us today!